First Day Nerves

Hey y'all,

I'm Kaylee Gibson born and raised in the bluegrass. I have recently started school at Paul Mitchell Hair school. At Paul Mitchell they have different phases you go through while being at school; you start out in CORE which is learning the basics, then go to Protégé where you are learning a little more in depth things on a doll head still, next you head to Adaptive where you are taking clients on the floor, lastly you go to creative which is when you are closer to graduating. Currently I am in my final week of CORE; woo-hoo!

The last week of CORE is all testing so you can imagine how stressful this week is going to be. Today I did my very first haircut on a person and it was the most nerve wracking thing I have ever experienced but it ended up going amazing! I had my mom and dad be my guinea pigs for the test and my mom wanted a triangular graduation(which is the hardest haircut we have learned) while everybody else was doing the square one length(the simplest we have learned). As you all could imagine I was freaking out, I was so worried I was going to mess something up and make her come out looking like a crazy woman. Thankfully everything went extremely smooth and was SO much fun! I cannot wait until I'll be on the floor taking clients! Now let's hope the rest of the weeks tests go as smoothly as todays!

Kaylee <3
